28 octobre 2006
Fibre optique

Validation expérimentale d’une fibre fortement dopée à l’erbium pour la conception d’un EDFA WDM bande L de + 20 dBm, à pompe unique et compact

Publication : ECOC 2006

Aueurs : Laurence Lolivier, Augustin Grillet, Clément Vercambre, Yves Hernandez, Guillaume Peigné, Domenico Giannone, Stéphane Chatigny et Philippe de Sandro


(Texte original anglais seulement)

Experimental validation of highly doped erbium-doped fiber for the design of a +20dBm, single pump and compact, WDM L-band EDFA

Highly doped EDFs with 13.4 to 34.7-dB/m absorption coefficients were inserted in a two-stage EDFA to enable a MSA-compliant packaging. Experimental validations led to the design of a low noise 20-dBm single-pumped WDM Lband EDFA.
