6 mai 2012
Fibre laser

Laser à fibre optique dopée à l’erbium de 1593 nm à pompage intrabande à travers la gaine hautement efficace

Publication : OSA Conference – CLEO 2012

Auteurs : M. A. Jebali, J.-N.Maran , S. LaRochelle, S. Chatigny , M. A. Lapointe et E. Gagnon


(Texte original anglais seulement)

Highly efficient in-band cladding-pumped 1593 nm all-fiber erbium-doped fiber laser

A high power, high efficiency, Erbium doped fiber laser with in-band cladding pumping is demonstrated is this paper. Pump-limited, 103 W output power is reported with a record efficiency of 75% with respect to the launched pump power. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest efficiency ever recorded for an all-fiber in-band cladding-pumped Er-doped fiber laser.
