1 octobre 2009
Fibre laser

Laser à fibre ytterbium basé sur des réseaux de Bragg à fibre du premier ordre écrits avec des impulsions femtosecondes à 400 nm et un masque de phase

OSA – Optics Express Vol. 17, Issue 21, pp. 18887-18893 (2009)

Auteurs : M. Bernier, R. Vallée, B. Morasse, C. Desrosiers, A. Saliminia, and Y. Sheng


(Texte original anglais seulement)

Ytterbium fiber laser based on first-order fiber bragg gratings written with 400 nm femtosecond pulses and a phase-mask

A Fiber bragg grating of 369 nm pitch was inscribed in a germanium-free double-clad ytterbium doped silica fiber using a femto-second pulse train at 400 nm wavelength and a phase mask. The photo-induced refractive index modulation of higher than 4×10−3 was obtained and the accompanying photo-induced losses were subsequently removed by thermal annealing, resulting in a low loss (<0.1dB), stable and high reflectivity (>40dB) FBG. Based on this FBG, a monolithic Ytterbium fiber laser operating at 1073 nm with slope efficiency of 71% and output power of 13W was demonstrated.
